Florida Military Divorce Attorney
VA Disability & Divorce
When a member of the military retires with VA disability benefits, the benefits are not taxable which is a deserved advantage is after the military service provided by the individual. Ordinarily, this may mean that the in a divorce, the disability benefits are not part of what could be divided in the military divorce. However, there can be exceptions to this rule under certain circumstances. If you are going to seek a divorce, it is crucial that you contact a Florida military divorce attorney to assist you in determining what will likely occur in your case. At Hutchinson Law, the legal team can advise you as to what to expect in a Florida divorce as it relates to military personnel and disability income, whether stationed in the Jacksonville area or other base in Florida.
Military Divorce and VA Disability Benefits
When dealing with a divorce, finances can become a major issue. When one spouse has been receiving VA Disability Benefits, how the court determines the division of assets and support issues becomes important. Even if the court does not order that the benefits are split, it will likely be considered that this is part of the income of the individual and they may be required to pay spousal support that measures these benefits as part of the income that the other partner had also enjoyed. This is a grey area of the law, and how it is resolved is important to the individual involved. At Hutchinson Law, the family law attorney can advise you of what to expect with regard to VA Disability benefits, and how to best present your case to protect your own future.
Any divorce can be difficult and emotionally draining. When finances are part of the problem the stresses can be overwhelming. It is crucial that you get legal assistance to deal with these problems, and to bring them to resolution so that you can move on with your life. Attorneys at Hutchinson Law are proud to serve members of the military in family law matters, and will discuss your questions about your VA Disability benefits and your divorce and advise you how to proceed.
Contact a Florida Military Divorce Attorney from Hutchinson Law if you receive VA Disability and are seeking a divorce.

Air Force
Coast Guard